The Ceremony of Innocence
- W.B. Yeats, "The Second Coming" (1919)
It is January, in the year of Our Lord Ninteen hundred and ten, and the long rays of a golden sun are beginning to set over the British Empire of King Edward VII. For more than 100 years, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland and Wales has been the axis of upon which the world has spun...and London is the axis upon which the Empire spins. But times are changing, even if the Powers That Be refuse to change with them, and in the fading years of the Victorian age, as the bright lights of science, human industry, and rational and pragmatic politics have failed to usher the world into a new utopia, the Shadows have grown longer.
Though to some, the Edwardian Age is like a long and pleasant summer of aimless afternoons and garden parties, in the dark alleys and stews of the metropolis lurk darkness, both ancient and new. In the minds of the privileged, the world seems to move like a complex watch, each piece ticking away in the advancement of the grand design of humanity. To those caught between the gears of that machine, the Great Mechanism is being wound too tightly and the pins are showing strain, and old resentments and new horrors that have only been papered over by the fashionable are waiting for their moment to strike.
Into this falling dusk, a small group of men and women, Awakened to the horrible and magnificent truths dwelling in the shadowed places of the world, attempt to stand firm against the dying of the light...
Dramatis Personae
The Supernatural of London
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Formerly leader of the Isis-Urania Temple of the Golden Dawn, passionate playwright and poet, and strident advocate for the Irish Free State. |
Crowley |
Ego maniacal and charismatic leader of the Golden Dawn cult. Crowley flaunts his occult knowledge in full view of the society of England, and for his arrogance he is at viewed with both bemusement and fear by the mortal world. |
The Kingsmen
The Rook |
High ranking member of the Kingsmen fiercely dedicated to defending Albion. |
The Jay |
Professor of mathematics at King's College, Cambridge and chief esoteric researcher of the Kingsmen. |
The Academia Universalis Arcana
Locke |
Neophyte Warden of London. Intellectual and headstrong, with a stubborn and independent streak. |
Tyr |
The grim and dour Archon of England in service to the Academia Universalis Arcana. |
Bolt |
Doryphoros and apprentice to Archon Tyr. Aggressive and idealistic in the pursuit of her goals. |
The Princedom of Britannia
Suetonius |
Prince in Darkness of Britannia, the ancient vampire Suetonius claims to be nothing less than the Imperial conqueror of Boudica in 60 AD. |
Lady Anne |
Seneschal of Britannia, the formidable Lady Anne governs the day-to-day activities of the British court with a seductive smile and a violent hand. |
Ecclesiam Cálicem Lanceam
Solomon |
The Black Bishop of London and administrator of the Apostolic Rites, this former Puritan pursues his task with near fanatic rigor and zeal. |
Simon |
Inquisitor Extraordinary of the Lancea tasked in theory with eliminating heresies within the church but in practice acting as a general investigator and executor of the Bishop's will. |
Ordo Mysterium
Polydegmon |
The Curator de Mysteriis, Archmagus, and 23rd Baron Bollington is both the patriarch of the extensive Talbot magical clan and master of the Ordo Mysterium. |
Civitas |
Hierarch of the powerful cabal known as the Order of the Seventh Seal, this archmagus serves as the head of the self-appointed conservative bloc within the Mysterium. | |||
Reitia |
Practicus of the Mysterium and driven, ambitious mage of the cabal known as Diogenes Lamp. |
Oitosyros |
Theoricus of the Mysterium, twin brother of Reitia, and the charismatic face of the Diogenes Lamp cabal. |
Marley |
Theoricus of the Mysterium, cousin to both Reitia and Oitosyros. Incredibly intense third member of the Diogenes Lamp cabal. |
The Motley of the Tyburn Lost
Jane |
Also known as the Chelsea Cat, the changeling Jane appears to be on the run from both her own past and from the law. |
Jenny |
The creature known as Jenny Greenteeth has either taken her inspiration from the legendary river hag of England or she truly is that dreaded being. Either way, the rivers and streams bring all secrets to her, and she only parts with them for a price. |
Fionnuala |
Inquisitive and determined swanmay handmaiden and emissary of the river hag of London. |
Knave's Court
Jack |
The queen of hearts She made some tarts, All on a summer's day The knave of Hearts He stole those tarts And with them ran away: The king of hearts Call'd for those tarts, And beat the knave full sore; The knave of hearts brought back those tarts And said he'll ne'er steal more. |
Vail |
The frostbound knight of the Knave's Court, the cruel being known only as Vail enforces her prince's mad whims with both subtlety and gore soaked ferocity. Preferably the latter. |